In the Beginning...

On June 4th, 1973 at the Holy Family Mission Chapel, a meeting was held for those who are interested in cubbing and scouting. The two driving forces on this meeting were Mr. Ross Crawford, Chairman of Organization and Enrollment of Pacifica District, and Mr. George Palla, Scout Executive. Emerging from this meeting were the troops first Secretary/ Treasurer: Mr. Ken Talbot, the first Committee Chairman: Mr. Ed Martin, and the first Scoutmaster: Mr. Frank Farrell. These dedicated adults were the
Troop 412 Fountain Valley Neckerchief
first leaders of the new troop, which started originally with four boys: Sean Farrell, John and Paul Martin, and Joe Talbot. These nine people were the first scouts and scouters of Troop 412. Three years later, in 1976, John and Paul Martin became the 1st and 2nd Eagle Scouts in Troop 412.

We visited Philmont for the first time in 1994 and many times since with our latest trip occurring in 2017. We have always taken a large interest in backpacking through the near and far mountain ranges of Southern California and beyond, from the top of Mount Whitney to the depths of Death Valley, Troop 412 has experienced a lot.

Troop 412 has taken other exciting trips, including summer camps in Oregon and Washington State, canoeing trips to Murtle Lake Canada, many Philmont 12-day treks, as well as a trip to the Florida Sea Base.  Scouts in the troop have been to National Jamborees and NOAC (National Order of the Arrow Conference).

The Troop 412 Neckerchief

The troop utilizes two different neckerchiefs.  A simple green neckerchief is provided to all new Boy Scouts to symbolize their joining of the troop.  Once those scouts achieve the rank of Scout they are provided the troop colors, the teal embroidered neckerchief.  The troop neckerchief features the first class badge symbol in the upper center, with a compass rose dominating the landscape. Along the outside of the neckerchief is a black edge, which commemorates the life of a 412 scout who passed away during his journey to Eagle and the two stars on the end, to always remind us of truth and knowledge. Although the color of the neckerchief has changed slightly over the years, our neckerchief is larger than the stock BSA neckerchief as early troop members wanted to ensure they could use it for first aid (ankle, arm, etc) if ever needed.

412 Achievements

Scout Achievements: 136 Eagle Scouts, National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT) Graduates, NYLT Staff, OA Brotherhood, OA Vigil, Wood Badge Ranger, 50 miler Awards, National Honor Patrol, Senior Patrol Leader for Camporee, Senior Patrol Leader for Camporall and Senior Patrol Leader for Cub Scout Day Camp.

Scouter Achievements: Silver Beaver, District Award of Merit, OA Chapter Advisor, OA Brotherhood, OA Vigil, 50 miler Awards, District Committee, District Recruiting, District Training, Wood Badge Trainees, Wood Badge Staff and two Wood Badge Course Directors. One of our troop leaders was also most notably the first member of the Orange County Council to ever receive the Outstanding Eagle Scout Award, and we now have two recipients.

Troop Achievements: 2018 marks the 13th consecutive time the Troop has earned Silver Status (highest) for the Ready and Prepared Award, Emergency Preparedness BSA, consistently Gold Level on Journey to Excellence, consistently Gold Level in the previous Centennial Quality Awards Program.